Natural Milk Trio


Our Natural Milk Trio is a uniquely formulated and natural whole goat milk powder chalk full of minerals, lactose and colostrum that is easy for babies and children to digest. Natural Milk Trio is a real food-based powder, not highly processed, so allergies and lactose intolerance are not a likely issue. It is based on a recipe Dr. Antonacci used when breast milk wasn’t available for many of his patient’s babies. It is an A2 milk that comes from a small family farm in the US (not overseas). The happy, healthy goats are grass fed and romp, roam and play freely on acres and acres of grass. Our Natural Milk Trio is antibiotic, hormone, pesticide and gluten free and is made with non-GMO ingredients. It contains 3 essential ingredients: (1) Whole Goat Milk naturally homogenized with lower allergy potential, (2) Colostrum which builds and supports an active immune system and (3) Lactose, a milk sugar that bolsters brain function, boosts the immune system and contains beneficial flora. This product can be used as a base in a baby formula recipe or in a healthy smoothie recipe for children and adults.


The optimal food for babies is breast milk from a healthy mother that eats clean foods – nothing can replace that. Life is not always optimal so when breast milk isn’t an option or supplementation to breast feeding is necessary, consider a homemade baby formula recipe, in which you control the ingredients you add. When done right, you can avoid the toxic ingredients found in many commercial formulas, loaded with GMO corn syrup, GMO soy and vegetable oils, preservatives, and other unwanted, artificial ingredients.

Our Natural Milk Trio is a uniquely formulated and natural whole goat milk powder chalk full of minerals, lactose and colostrum that is easy for babies and children to digest. it is a real food-based powder, not highly processed, so allergies and lactose intolerance are not a likely issue.  It is based on a recipe Dr. Antonacci used when breast milk wasn’t available for many of his patient’s babies. It is an A2 milk that comes from a small family farm in the US (not overseas). The happy, healthy goats are grass fed and romp, roam and play freely on acres and acres of grass. Our Natural Milk Trio is antibiotic, pesticide and gluten free, has no added hormones and is made with non-GMO ingredients. It contains 3 essential ingredients: (1) Whole Goat Milk  (2) Colostrum, and (3) Lactose. This product can be used as a base in a baby formula recipe or in a healthy smoothie recipe for children and adults. Specifically:

  1. Whole Goat Milk is an excellent and natural source of calcium and other essential minerals that are easy to digest by baby and children. It is free of pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, and antibiotics. This delicious, non-GMO milk comes directly from a lineage of Dutch goats originally from a small family farm in the Netherlands. Goat milk is naturally homogenized and has a lower allergy potential than cow milk as it does not contain significant levels of Alpha-S1 casein protein.
  2. Colostrum is nature’s first food, an original super food. It is the first food babies receive, building and supporting an active and healthy immune system. In our Natural Milk Trio product, the colostrum is collected 24 hours postpartum from happy, healthy, grass-fed goats that are antibiotic and hormone free. The conditions are optimal for the goats, ensuring the highest quality colostrum. Whether from people or goats, colostrum contains naturally occurring peptides, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and over 20 different antibodies for immune health and gastrointestinal support.
  3. Lactose is the naturally occurring sugar in the milk of all mammals. We use only pure Goat Milk Lactose. Also known as ‘milk sugar’, lactose is roughly 20% the sweetness of common white table sugar. The lactose in the Natural Trio Milk product contains no bovine (cow) products and is free of pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones and antibiotics.  This 100% natural, unprocessed sugar, enhances brain function, boosts the immune system and contains beneficial flora.

Our Natural Milk trio and other products are simple, wholesome, pure, clean, ingredients, not a finished infant, toddler or kid formula. Below is a smoothie recipe as well as the infant formula recipe, similar to what Dr. Antonacci made for created for his patient’s babies if breast milk supplementation was necessary. You can modify the recipe to fit your babies particular needs.  Talk with your doctor before making any changes to your infant’s or children’s nutritional plan.  Great for adults too!

Click on this video link for more information:  Natural Milk Trio

Infant formula recipe:

  1. Quixotica Natural Milk Trio: 2 tbsp + 8 oz filtered, warm water (can reduce to one tablespoon + 4 oz of filtered warm water for a smaller serving size)
  2. Liquid Coconut Oil: Organic & unrefined – ¼ tsp (make sure it is coconut oil that comes as a liquid – do not melt solid coconut oil)
  3. Recommended: Quixotica FloraBiotica Synergy (powdered probiotic for infants, kids & adults) 1/8 tsp
  4. Optional: Multi-Vitamin Powder of your choice
  5. Other ingredients as agreed with your infant’s doctor.


  1. Add 5 ounces of warm, filtered water to a sterilzed bottle
  2. Add all ingredients except probiotic powder and shake well
  3. When contents are well mixed, add cold water until total volume is 8 fluid oz
  4. If using probiotic powder, add and shake well one last time.
  5. Other ingredients as agreed with your infant’s doctor
  6. Feed within one hour or store in refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Kid smoothie recipe:

  1. Quixotica Natural Milk Trio – 2 tablespoons + 8 oz filtered water or healthy liquid of your choice (raw goat or cow milk, organic, unsweetened oat milk, etc.)
  2. Liquid Coconut Oil, organic & unrefined – ¼ to ½ tsp
  3. Recommended: Quixotica FloraBiotica Synergy (powdered probiotic for infants and kids) – 1/8 teaspoon
  4. Optional: Multi-Vitamin Powder of your choice
  5. Fruit: Banana, Blueberries or both
  6. Coconut Butter: Organic and unrefined – 1 tbsp
  7. Other ingredients as agreed with your toddler or child’s doctor
  8. Place all ingredients in a blender, mix and enjoy.

For more information on this new product, email:

To your family’s health!

Disclaimer:  The products Lifestyle Quixotica/Energy Quixotica, Dr. Antonacci or Lisa Fiore produce, sell and recommend are simple, wholesome ingredients, not finished infant, toddler or kid formulas.  They do not manufacture infant, toddler or kid goat milk formulas. Nothing written here or anywhere on their website or emails and/or other materials produced should be seen as medical advice. Talk with your doctor before making any changes to your infant’s, toddler’s or children’s nutritional plan.


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