Mito Greens – Super Green Food + Mitochondrial Support (reducing inflammation)


Click on the PRODUCT VIDEO TAB below to hear Dr. Antonacci discuss the benefits of this uniquely formulated 2 in 1 product.




Mito Greens are full of super green foods from the land and from the sea, designed to feed your cells, help with digestion and support detoxification.  Mito Greens also contain essential foods for your mitochondria, which are critical for fueling the cells by synthesizing the energy molecule ATP.  The mitochondria are critical for brain health, heart health and general overall health. Mito Greens are designed to resuscitate and revive the mitochondria, reduce inflammation and feed you food that is not tainted with pesticides, preservatives or other unwanted additives.  Add juice or a healthy sweetener to Mito Greens to give you and your Mitochondria a healthy boost.

Additional information

Weight 1.56 lbs


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